I get a real buzz when I see people feeling confident and inspired due to the coaching that I have delivered.
I recently had a manager contact me to request 1:1 coaching to develop her skills in holding difficult conversations. She shared with me that she felt “guilty” about challenging staff members on their performance as the team were busy. Consequently, she took on more work and this was affecting her both physically and mentally.
I remember at her first coaching session, she told me that she needed to hold a tough conversation with a member of her team. I sensed she was nervous to do this, so I suggested we go through the steps to conduct a difficult conversation. She found this extremely helpful. Her feedback at the end of the session was … “This (coaching session) has been useful. Thank you. I didn’t think I would get results this quickly!”
By our next coaching session, she had held the tough conversation and she told me… “I am so glad I had my session with you before (the live meeting involving a difficult situation,) it was helpful. The (live) meeting was successful.”
It makes me feel proud to see how confident the manager has become and her team is performing better due to the coaching received.
If you know of anyone that might be interested in coaching, feel free to get in contact
Alternatively, I deliver a course on holding difficult conversations. If interested, please see further details on Training Courses.
In the meantime, here are three tips to help you tackle tough conversations in the workplace.