Absolutely! A combination of coaching, classroom instruction, feedback and experiential training has a significant impact on leader performance which in turn improves overall organisation effectiveness. Here’s a recent piece of work that demonstrates this…
I was asked to help support a care home facing possible closure. I found staff morale was low and performance issues had led to formal customer complaints.
Following a diagnosis of the situation, I designed and facilitated a be-spoke workshop (for 60 staff) to identify the cause for the lack of communication and establish the way forward for the team to work more cohesively.
Initial feedback from the workshops included…
“Good teambuilding exercises, opportunity for all to express their feelings”
“I thought the training was excellent and as a group we learned a lot about other people’s roles”
Evaluation meetings were held following the workshops and consultancy provided.
Three months after the workshops, results showed a decrease in customer complaints and 91% of staff stated they had seen an improvement in the workplace. Below are some of the highlights and comments received from staff…
- Raised self- awareness “People are making more effort and putting into practice what we learnt” … “I am more aware of how I might be coming across…”
- Review of processes – For example to remind staff the importance of handover between shifts “I pay attention more at handovers whereas before (the workshop) I was rushing to get started,” Introduction of the ‘Information folder’ to help communication flow has been well received and it was mentioned that Care plans are regularly updated.
- Regular meetings held -Staff feel they’re listened to, their ideas are taken on board and they feel involved.
- Team changes was well received- a worker commented that a “change of team has been positive…we are learning to adapt (and) take on a more positive attitude.”
- Improved team morale – Feedback showed “… people are more open, they seek clarification if unsure and avoid looking for faults in others.“
- Improved relations between management and staff – With comments like …“They (Management) are more approachable than I thought”… and come across more “engaging, taking an interest, actively listening.”
A year after the initial workshops were provided a further evaluation was conducted and the results were as follows; the majority of staff agreed that the workplace was a much better place to work in. Comments shared included “Things have definitely improved,”… “This time last year I would have never thought I would still be here in a year’s time.”
Staff were asked to rate on a scale 0 – 10 (0 = I am extremely dissatisfied working here, 10= I am extremely satisfied working here.) Overall rating was 8/10 (one person rated 10/10!) whereas a year ago staff felt they would have rated between 0 – 4/ 10.
Overall there is a sense that the leadership team are more visible and approachable resulting in the Care home working much more as one team.
Results indicated overall performance had improved, Care inspectorate grades have increased to ‘Good’ (4,) there’s less concerns raised by residents’ family and staff retention has improved.
My company provides a bespoke service to support effective leadership. My clients consist of a variety of industries such as Architects, Care Sector, Sports Industry, Insurance and Manufacturing. I have a special interest in Health and Social Care and I am keen to support SME businesses, Family businesses and Charities. For further details see…