1:1 Business Coaching

A personal Business Coach might be the solution for you. If you would like to…

  • Improve your leadership skills
  • Feel productive and get the most out of your working day
  • Improve relationships with work colleagues
  • Be more confident at presenting/ communicating to others

Then why not get in touch?

What is coaching and how can it help me?

Sometimes traditional classroom based training is not sufficient to assist an individual’s learning requirements- this is where 1:1 coaching may be more effective. Coaching means improving performance through learning situations, in a planned way and under guidance.

How much time/ commitment is required?

A coaching session is usually an hour long and, dependent on the individual’s availability, can take place every week or fortnight. Typically an individual can undertake up to 6 sessions. There may be some limited time that the individual may need to spend to work on additional support for their learning. A coaching session can take place either face to face, by phone or video call.

What benefit can the individual receive through Jacqueline McGregor?

  • Learn at a time that suits the individual
  • Greater self-awareness and personal growth
  • Develop skills
  • Improve job satisfaction
  • Access to an accredited coach who’s coaching practice is guided by the rigorous ethical standards of the International Coaching Federation and encompasses best practice principles and guidelines from professional bodies, such as the “Association of Coaching,” providing a framework from which to structure an effective coaching process
  • Access to an experienced behavioural change consultant & practitioner with managerial experience

What benefit can the organisation receive from investing in coaching with Jacqueline McGregor?

  • Increased leadership and business performance
  • More adaptable people, able to manage and implement change
  • Save time spent away from work whilst attending courses or workshops
  • Supports targeted learning i.e. removes the necessity to attend a full day program
  • Focus people in the right direction
  • Speed attention to performance difficulties and dips in motivation
  • Improve people and their productivity which in turn improves the bottom line

Case study

A senior manager was requested to manage a new client implementation project. The new client was extremely demanding and lacked strategic direction. The senior manager felt his involvement on the project consumed all his time consequently he was unable to maintain commitments in his current role. To add he had been identified as potential successor for a Director position but he felt his involvement in the project was placing his focus away from developmental opportunities.

Working long hours started to affect the senior manager, he showed signs of stress so the senior manager’s line manager suggested he attend a coaching program.

Within the initial session the senior manager stated he felt frustrated that he was losing control, work was taking over his life and he felt he was unproductive. He also stated he had decided that he would leave the company. A comment he made to me in the first session was “I am trying to do too many things at once.”

As part of the coaching process, the senior manager set some goals and I helped to facilitate his progress towards his goals. By the fourth session the senior manager stated “I feel more alert, more focused.”

During our time together the senior manager worked through his goals which were business and life coaching related. By the end of the session he stated that he no longer wanted to leave the company and that…

“The coaching intervention came at the right time for me, Jacqueline’s coaching helped me to gain perspective. Had I not received this coaching I probably would have left the company…”  (Senior Manager, Global Outsourcing Organisation)

Further feedback received from Coaching clients include …

“Jacqueline is a great coach – very patient and understanding and able to provide a lot of different advice, to allow you to think how to approach various situations. She follows up her coaching sessions by sending information packs which can be used for reference” (Manager, Q2 Solutions, a leading clinical trial laboratory services organisation)

“Thank you, Jacqueline. I didn’t think I would get results this quickly” (Manager, a global law firm providing a complete service to clients in its core sectors of insurance, transport, energy, infrastructure and trade & commodities.)

Services Provided:

My mission…

“To provide a bespoke service to support effective leadership”


Latest News

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